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Graduate Admission: MPA

MPA, short for Master of Public Administration, is a profession-based (rather than research-based) degree program to cultivate high-level talents in the practice of public administration to meet the need of government departments, non-profit institutions and large- or medium-sized enterprises for public administration personnel.

XJTU is among the first batch of universities approved by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, China to run a pilot MPA program, as well as among the first batch of universities that passed the MPA evaluation of Ministry of Education, China. XJTU has integrated resources in various subjects, including politics, economics, management, administration and education to build a high-quality MPA teaching team. The course teachers and supervisors are selected openly from within XJTU and outside XJTU. Renowned professors and government administrators are engaged in course work or student supervision. In addition, the curriculum is designed to ensure comprehensive and practical training.

Compared with other MPA programs, the MPA program, XJTU is bestowed with all the advantages presented by this top Chinese university, in terms of the academic foundation, social resources as well as teaching quality. It is determined to develop itself into a top MPA program in the country, which is featured by a combination of research and application and internationalization.

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Copyright: Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Public Management

Address: Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Post Code No. 28:710049 Website: Yi Yang Technology