ResearcherID: A-2302-2011
Scopus Author ID: 7404602578
Prof. Dr. Qiyan Wu (吴启焰)
Dr Qiyan Wu is Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Adjunct Professor of Urban Studies Program, Simon Fraser University. He is the editor of Cogent Social Sciences (Elsevier), and a member of the editorial board of Chinese Geographical Science (Springer). Qiyan’s primary research interests focus on education-led gentrification (e.g. coined Jiaoyufication), socio-spatial differentiation and residential segregation, urban political economy, environmental governance and energy policy. He has published more than one hundred prestigious journal articles and book chapters in English and Chinese. He is the author of “Urban Economy” (China Architecture & Building Press, 2009) and “Residential Segregation in Chinese Metropolis: Theory and Empirical Study (2nd edit)” (Science Press, 2016), and chapter in “Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asia Mega Cities” (Springe, 2015).
Research Interested Area
Urban Gentrification and Urban Residential Segregation
Urban and Regional Sustainability (environmental management)
Urban and Regional Political Economy
Education and Professional Registration
1999(PhD),Human Geography, Nanjing University
1996 (MSc), Human Geography, Liaoning Normal University
1993 (BSc), Geography Science, Yunnan University
Academic Experience
2017.9- Full Professor,Distinguished Young Scholar, The School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University
2016-Adjunct Professor, Urban Studies Program, Simon Fraser University;
2016-2017 Full Professor, School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University;
2010- Full Professor, School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University;
2008-2010- Full Professor, College of Urban Constructing and Administrate, Yunnan University;
2007-2008. Visiting Full Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), British Colombia University;
2004-2007. Full Professor & Academic-Dean, School of Urban Constructing and Administrate, Yunnan University;
2002-2004. Full Professor & Founding Chair of Urban Science Department, Yunnan University;
2001-2002. Full Professor (exceptional promoted by Provincial Government),College of civil engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology;
2000-2001. Associate Professor, College of civil engineering, (exceptional promoted by Provincial Government),Kunming University of Science and Technology;
1999-2000. Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, Yunnan Polytechnic University.
Awards and Scholarships
2007-2008 Nominee(not granted), 11th National Outstanding Teaching and Researching Serving of Fork Ying Tong Education Foundation (Ministry of Education, China) ;
2007-2008 Scholarship of Chinese Scholar Council;
2007-2008 Nominee, winner. 11th Outstanding Teaching Serving of Wu Da Guan Education Foundation (Yunnan University);
2006-2007 Winner of the Science and Technology Awards of Yunnan Province;
2005-2010 Chair Scientist of Urban and Rural Planning of Yunnan Province;
1999 Outstanding Teaching Serving , Architecture Department, School of Civil Engineering, Yunnan Polytechnic University;
1997-1998 Guanghua Scholarship, Nanjing University;
1996-1997 Graduate Scholarship, Liaoning Normal University;
1994-1995 Outstanding Graduate Student, Liaoning Normal University.
Professional Activities(Research Fund only)
2017-2017 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) China:China-Quebec smart City forum(41781220579),PI (0.025 million RMB);
2017-2021 NSFC, Danwei is dead, long live the danwei: the production of Jiaoyufication Space(41671155),PI (0.6million RMB);
2016-2017 BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant application: Inequities in the perceived environmental health risks and interventions in a fast developing country,(SG153327), Co-PI(£9900);
2014-2017, NSFC, Path-dependence of Urban Morphology on carbon emission: Path, dynamic and modulation (No. 41371171). Co-PI (0.6million RMB);
2013-2016, NSFC, The Mechanism of Urban Expansion based on minimal–cyclical hypotheses: Nanjing Metropolis as research area (41271176), PI (0.7million RMB);
2013-2015, NSFC, The socio-spatial constructer of female in the process of gentrification (12BSH027), Co-PI (0.18million RMB);
2012-2015,Chinese Minister of Education Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, The gentrification of marginalized New white-collar and its socio-spatial consequence (No. 12YJAZH159),PI (0.09million RMB);
2007-2008, ESRC, Urban Poverty and Property Rights Changes in China,Chinese participator (₤3000);
2007-2008 CSC Visiting Fellowship, Chinese Scholar Council Fund (Visiting UBC);
2005-2008 Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan, Department of Science and Technology of Yunnan Province, Simulation of Urbanization of Kunming (No.2005PY01-6), PI (0.12million RMB);
2001-2005 NSFC, Dynamics, mechanism and policy of Urbanization of less developing area: case study of Yunnan (No. 159941064). PI (0.18million RMB).
Session and workshop
· Organized workshop at Xi’an 2018: Education-led gentrification in global context
· Organized session at AAG 2018 (New Orleans): Education-led gentrification in global context
· Co-organized session at RSG-IBG (2017 London): Geography beyond the west: understanding the urbanization of China
· Co-organized a session at AAG 2017 (Boston): Inequality in urbanization of Global South: segregation, gentrification and inaccessibility
· Organized workshop at Nanjing 2016: Urbanization beyond the Global North
Dictionary Edit
Encyclopedia Britannica (2000 edit), in charge of 39 items of Chinese cities.
Residential Segregation in Chinese Metropolis: Theory and Empirical Study. Beijing: Science Press (2001 first edit, 2015 second edit) (in Chinese);
Urban Economy. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press,2009(in Chinese).
Wu Qiyan, Cheng Jianquan, Liu Dan, Han Li and Yang Yuhong. “Kunming – A Regional International Mega city in Southwest China” in Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asia Mega Cities edited by R.B. Singh. Springe, 2015
Journal Paper
1. Wu, Q., Cheng, J*. (in press)A temporally cyclic growth model of urban spatial morphology in China: evidence from Kunming Metropolis. Urban Studies(If=1.934, SSCI);
2. Wu Qiyan, Zhang Xiaoling, Liu Chunhui and Chen Zhou(in press)The De-industrialization, Re-suburbanization and Health Risks of Brownfield Land Reuse: Case study of a toxic soil event in Changzhou, China. Land Use Policy;
3. Wu, Q., Edensor, T. and Cheng, J. (2018), Beyond Space: Spatial (Re)Production and Middle-Class Remaking Driven by Jiaoyufication in Nanjing City, China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 42: 1–19. doi:10.1111/1468-2427.12568;
4. Wu, Q., & Waley, P. (2017). Configuring growth coalitions among the projects of urban aggrandizement in Kunming, Southwest China. Urban Geography, 1-17. DOI:10.1080/02723638.2017.1314171;
5. Wu, Q., Cheng, J., & Young, C*. (2017). Social differentiation and spatial mixture in a transitional city-Kunming in southwest China. Habitat International, 64, 11-21;
6. Wu, Q., Liu, C., & Zhang, H. X. (2017). Urban education differentiation and its socio-economic consequences: An internet–survey-based structural equation modeling analysis of new white collar workers in Nanjing, China. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 48, 1-9.;
7. Wu, Q., Zhang, X.*, and Waley, P. (2017)When Neil Smith Met Pierre Bourdieu in Nanjing, China: Bringing Cultural Capital into Rent Gap Theory. Housing Studies,32, 659-677.;
8. Wu, Q., Zhang, X.*, and Waley, P. (2016)Jiaoyufication: When gentrification goes to school in the Chinese inner city. Urban Studies, 53(12): 3510-3526DOI:10.1177/0042098015613234;
9. Wu, Q., Zhang, X.*, Xu,Y., and Li, T.(2016)Dualities of semi-urbanization villages in social-spatial transition: A case study of Zhoucun Village in suburban Nanjing, China. Journal of Rural Studies 47, 657-664. Doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.06.007;
10. Wu, Q., Zhang, X.*, Sun, J., Ma, Z. and Zhou, C.(May, 2016) Locked Post-fossil Consumption of Urban Decentralized Solar Photovoltaic Energy: a Case Study of an On-grid Photovoltaic Power Supply Community in Nanjing, China. Applied Energy,172(15 June):1–11 (if=7.182,SCI)doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.03.013);
11. Wu, Q., Perl, A.*, Sun, L.(2016) Bigger and Different: Understanding the role of high-speed rail as a development catalyst in China’s emerging supercities. Transportation Research Record. No.2546 (Volume 2):79-87. DOI:10.3141/2546-10;
12. Wu, Q., Zhang, X., Shang, Z., & Li, Z. (2015). Political-economy based institutional industry complex and sustainable development: The case of the salt-chemical industry in Huai’an, China. Energy Policy, 87, 39-47;
13. Chen, H., Wu, Q.*, Cheng, J., Ma, Z., & Song, W. (2015). Scaling-up Strategy as an Appropriate Approach for Sustainable New Town Development? Lessons from Wujin, Changzhou, China. Sustainability, 7(5), 5682-5704;
14. Wu Q., Zhang X*., Li H. et al., (2015) Pro-growth Giant Business, Lock in, Sustainable Urban Development and Effect on Local Political Economy: The Case of Petrochemical Industry at Nanjing. The Journal of Cleaner Production. 107(16) 324–332;
15. Wu Q*., Cheng J., Chen G., Hammel D., and Wu X.(2014), Socio-spatial differentiation and residential segregation in the Chinese city: based on the 2000 community-level census data: a case study of the inner city of Nanjing. Cities 39 : 109-119.;
16. Song Weixuan and Wu Qiyan. Gentrification and residential differentiation in Nanjing, China,Chinese Geographical Science,2010,20(6):568-576.
17. Li, Z., Cheng, J., & Wu, Q*. (2015). Analyzing regional economic development patterns in a fast developing province of China through geographically weighted principal component analysis. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 1-13.
Conference Paper
1. Qiyan Wu, Anthony Perl* and Jingwei Sun. Bigger and Different: Understanding the role of high-speed rail as a development catalyst in China’s emerging supercities. The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual. Washington, D.C,USA, January, 2016.
2. Jianquan Cheng*, Craig Young, Qiyan Wu and Jie Zhou, Social impacts of urban growth in a rapidly developing country. In session,: Urban planning, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference London:2015.
3. Qiyan Wu, Shuang Wang*, Jingwei Sun, The Minimum Cost of Hierarchical Location-allocation Models for Banks in Kunming, Shanghai: China The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2011(EI)
Professional responsibilities
(1) Editorial Board Membership
Cogent Social Science
Chinese Geographical Science
(2)Positions in Professional Organizations
Urban Geography Research Group, Geographical Society of China: Committee Member (2013-).
I have reviewed grant applications for: Nature Science Foundation of China, Chinese Minister of Education Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Social Science Fund, Post-doctor Fellowship of Chinese Minister of Education.
I have reviewed papers for: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban Studies, Urban Affair Review, Habitat International, Journal of Cleaner Production, The International Journal of Housing Policy, Cogent Social Science, Chinese Geographical Science.
Media Coverage (interviewing and reporting)