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Department of Social Security
Hu Shu-xiao

Shuxiao Hu(1962.4--),Associate professor, master’s supervisor, was born in Fufeng county, Shaanxi province. He graduated from Fudan University, obtaining a degree of bachelor in administration.
Research fields:
His main research fields are Organization culture innovation and research of social security policy, Social medicine and health management.
He is the deputy director of MPA Education Center, deputy director of senior civil servants training center, member of school teaching of the Steering Committee, deputy director of Chinese rural health association, deputy director of Nutritionists association of Shaanxi, advisory consultant of national health and family planning commission of the People’s Republic of China ,advisory consultant of Shaanxi Health and family planning commission, special teacher of Tsinghua University and Renmin University of China.
He won the teaching award in Tsinghua University in 2012, the national excellent teacher of public administration education award in 2015. He was elected as a member of the teacher center of training national leading cadres in Organization Department of the CPC in 2013.
He teaches the undergraduate and postgraduate courses, the former includes management science foundation, public relations, the latter includes qualitative and quantitative combining method, social research methodology, etc. He directed many undergraduates’ graduation projects and innovation practical competition.
He hosted more than fifty subjects, taking part in two projects of the national social science foundation of China. In the past five years, he won a research award affiliated to a province or ministry, publishing eight papers. He is the author of social research method, which is a core curriculum material. The project the practical effect of humanistic elaborating management pattern in a center hospital in Shaanxi province is added in the national professional diploma case study library for the first time by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center(CDGDC) and National MPA

Education steering committee.
1. 2009.9-2009.12, Hospital development strategy design.
2. 2009.12-2010.4, The construction of organization image and competitiveness management.
3. 2011.1-2011.6, Job evaluation oriented performance distribution research.
4. 2011.1-2011.12, The design and practice of organizational culture based on the development strategy.
5. 2011.7-2012.12, Internal management pattern and practice based on hospital culture construction.
6. 2012.3-2013.12, CIS design and culture construction research.
7. 2012.6-2013.6, Empirical study on post appointment and performance management.
8. 2013.3-2014.12, The plan of organization culture innovation and soft power boost practice research.
9. 2013.8-2013.10, Medical facilities planning foundation investigation research in Shaanxi province.
10. 2013.10-2014.10, Regional health planning series researches in Tongchuan city.
11. 2014.1-2014.12, The faculty salary system design research based on disciplinary development.
12. 2014.6-2015.12, The promotion and improvement of hospital managing efficiency based on disciplinary development.
13. 2015.1-2015.12, The allocation and operation situation evaluation of the health and family planning resource by different levels and areas in Shaanxi province.
14. 2015.1-2015.12, The scientific layout and integrative development of the health and family planning resource in city and rural under the new-type urbanization circumstance.
15. 2015.9-2016.6, The fundamental function research of the health consumption on building moderately prosperous society and promoting the economic growth in Shaanxi province

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