

Date: 2019-01-03   Source:Clicks:

Monographs Name


Experimental Study   Health Economics and Policy Challenges in Global Emerging Market

Zeng Weihong

Evolution Pathway   and Target Model of Rural Social Endowment Insurance

Wang Lijian

Annual Report of   Social Management in China (2016)Risk Analysis and Strategic Measures for Social Governance under   the New Normal

Mei Hong

Study on   Sustainable Development of Population, Resources and Environment in the Key   Ecological Functional Areas in Western China

Li Jie

Research on the   Competitiveness of the Guanzhong Independent Innovation Industrial Zones

Hu Fangxiao

Accessing to Health   Care for All: Target, Pathway and Strategies

Gao Jianmin

Leadership Behavior   and Psychological Contract of High School Teachers Research

Mei Hong

A Survey Report of   Entrepreneurship Education for University Students

Mei Hong, Song   Xiaoping

Study on   Multi-agency and Coordination Mechanism in China Emergency Management

Guo Xuesong, Zhu   Zhengwei

China’s Male   Marriage Squeeze in the process of Rural-Urban Migration

Jin Xiaoyi, Liu   Lige, Liu Hongsheng

Research on Rural   Household Livelihood and Environmental Sustainable Development

Li Jie, Li Shuzhuo,   Gretchen Daily

Urbanization and   Urban Land Use Analysis

Yang Donglang

A Survey Report of   Survival and Development Status of the Rural Migrant Workers

Du Haifeng, Bai   Meng, Liu Qian, Du Wei

A Study Report of Rural   Migrant Children

Liu Shuo, Liu Lige,   Jin Xiaoyi, Yang Yong

Population Sex Structure   and Sustainable Social Development in China

Li Shuzhuo, Jin   Xiaoyi, Wang Yuesheng

The Age Pattern of   Intergenerational Support among Older Persons in Rural China

Zuo Dongmei, Li   Shuzhuo, Wu Zheng

A Study on Sexual   Wellbeing and Sexual Health among Forced Male Bachelors in a Context of Sex   Imbalance

Yang Xueyan, Li   Shuzhuo, Isabelle Attané

Employees Social   Network and Individual PerformanceAn Example of Small and Medium Enterprises

Du Wei, Ren Yike,   Cai Meng

HIV Cross-regional Diffusion   and Integrated Intervention

Liu Huijun, Xiao   Qunying

The Social Risk   Research of Gender Imbalance—Based on Social Transition Context of China

Liu Huijun, Li   Shuzhuo

The Social Networks   and the Change of Attitudes and Behaviors of Rural-urban Migrants

Jin Xiaoyi, Ren   Yike, Du Haifeng

Public Crisis Management   Evaluation and Social Risk Assessment

Xiao Qunying, Zhu   Zhengwei

The Canada Social Security   System

Wang Lijian

Merit Pay in Public   Sectors:Practice and Theory

Meng Fanrong

Qualitative   Research Method and Application from Positivism Perspective

Yang Xueyan, Luo   Cheng

China Unemployment   Insurance System Studies in the Context of Changes in Population Structure of   Urban and Rural Areas

Ma Wei

Research on New Rural   Social Endowment Insurance Under the Background of Land Circulation

Feng Tieying

Study on Employment   Security System for Youth Groups in China in the Context of Globalization

Wen Haihong

Study on Graduate   Education Culture

Lu Genshu, Peng   Zhengxia, Hu Wenjing

Research on   Employment Competence

and Entrepreneurial   Intention of University Students

Peng Zhengxia, Lu   Genshu


Copyright: Xi'an Jiaotong University_school of Public Policy and Administration E-mail:xjtusppa@yahoo.com.cn

Address: Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Post Code No. 28:710049 Website: Yi Yang Technology