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来源: 时间:2016-11-14 点击:[]


讲座时间:2016年11月18日星期五 下午4:30-5:30


讲座题目:A Sequence Analysis on Marriage and Birth Trajectories of Taiwanese Female in Japanese Colonial Period and Contemporary Taiwan

讲座人:杨文山(Wen Shan Yang)

(Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica)

讲座人Wen Shan Yang简介:

杨文山,美国德州(奥斯汀)大学社会学博士,现任中研院社会学研究所研究员、政治大学合聘教授及台北大学兼任教授。专业研究领域为家庭社会学、医疗社会学、统计与调查研究方法。近期著有《步入成人初期之台湾年轻人性倾向之研究》、《New Sources for Comparative Social Science: Historical Population Panel Data From East Asia》、《Another Marriage Choice: A Study of Uxorilocal Marriage in Taiwan, Comparative Research of Taipei (Urban) and Xinchu (Rural), 1906-1944》、《影响台湾地区生育偏好因素之研究》等专书及期刊论文七十余篇,并主编《The Family and Social Change in Chinese Societies》、《面对挑战:台湾与香港之比较》等书。

讲座内容简介:A Sequence Analysis on Marriage and Birth Trajectories of Taiwanese Female in Japanese Colonial Period and Contemporary Taiwan

Marriage type in Taiwan has dramatically changed in the past centuries. Along with the reform of education, employment, family and legislation, the changing marriage type not only remodel sex role of spouse but also alter female life planning. This talk brings into the concept of life course and regards marriage as a sequence of discrete transitions. We aim to uncover marriage and birth trajectories of Taiwanese female in Hsinchu area during Japanese colonial period and contemporary Taiwan through constructing the female life history processes. In order to describe the single-to-marriage-to-birth transitions, we use methods of optimal matching and cluster analysis technique to analyze Japanese household registries in Hsinchu area and current Taiwan, circa 2004. The analysis reveals over eight-in-ten Taiwanese female aged from 15 to 40 in Hsinchu area got married and started on birth considerably early in their life trajectories and it could be divided into five-cluster typology; while contemporary Taiwanese female marriage and birth trajectories demonstrate a different late marriage and birth sequences as compared to colonial Taiwan.




版权所有:西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院   设计与制作:西安交通大学网络信息中心

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