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英国伦敦国王学院Chris Hamnett教授讲座通知
来源: 时间:2018-03-19 点击:[]



讲座题目:Ethnicity, Education, Attainment and School Choice in London

讲座人:Chris Hamnett教授



Chris Hamnett是伦敦国王学院地理系教授。自1995年以来他就开始在国王学院任职,与此同时,他是城市研究(Urban Studies)领域世界知名学者,英国社会科学院院士(FAcSS)和皇家艺术院院士(Royal Society of Arts),皇家地理学会终身成就奖(Back Award)获得者,被众多全球知名大学聘为访问教授,收录于经济名人录,培养或(答辩)评审了学界许多知名学者,是住房研究领域旗舰期刊Housing Studies的创始编辑之一。

Chris Hamnett被认为是全球中产阶层化研究的灵魂人物,英国住房研究方面的领军学者,也是社会分化,绅士化和住房领域的顶尖研究人员。他撰写或参与撰写了许多有影响力的著作,包括《城市,住房和利润》(1989)、《收缩国家:私有化的政治基础》(1998)、《成功者与失败者:现代英国的住房所有权》(1999),《不平等城市:世界舞台上的伦敦》(2003)以及《种族,阶级和渴望:重塑伦敦的新东区》(2011与Tim Butler)。在2007年当选英国社会科学院院士,2010年当选皇家艺术学会院士,于2010年获得了皇家地理学会荣誉勋章。与此同时他是英国《独立报》、《金融时报》、《卫报》等其他报纸杂志经济和社会专栏的供稿人。

Chris Hamnett is a professor of King’s College London, Department of Geography. He has been working at King’s College London since 1995 and he is a Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) of Urban Studies, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts (Royal College of Art), and a visiting professor of the Lifelong Achievement Award of the Royal Institute of Geography. He has supervised or reviewed many well-known scholars in academia. Chris Hamnett is regarded as a leading British expert on housing wealth and inheritance and a leading researcher in the fields of social polarization, gentrification and housing. He has authored or co-authored a number of books including Cities, Housing and Profits (1989), Shrinking the State: the political underpinnings of privatization (1998), Winners and Losers: home ownership in modern Britain (1999), Unequal City: London in the global arena (2003) and with Tim Butler Ethnicity, Class and Aspiration: remaking London's New East End (2011). His knowledge of the housing market in London was recognised by his becoming a Westminster housing commissioner in 2005-6 and an Ealing Housing Commissioner in 2011. He was elected an Academician of the Academy of Social Science 2007 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2010. He was awarded the Back Meal of the Royal Geographical Society in 2010. He is a contributor on economic and social issues to the Independent, The Financial Times, the Guardian and other newspapers.


下一条:英国拉夫堡大学地理学院Darren Smith教授讲座通知


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