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来源: 时间:2019-05-17 点击:[]

讲座题目:Complex interventions: Design and Evaluations

讲座人:魏晓林,多伦多大学 Dalla Lana国际卫生政策讲习教授

时间:2019年5月21日 18:00




Xiaolin is a medical doctor, public health specialists, and the Dalla Lana Chair in Global Health Policy in the University of Toronto. After obtained medical degree and MSc in Public Health in China, he graduated from the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto in 2005. He became a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of UK in 2012. Xiaolin has conducted research using implementation science frameworks to change clinical practice and make impacts at the policy level in areas of antimicrobial resistance, tuberculosis control and diabetes/ hypertension care. He also conducted comparative analysis for primary care reforms. He has published over 100 high-impact papers in journals such as The Lancet Global Health, Plos Medicine, and WHO Bulletin. As the principle investigator, he has been supported for over $5.1m byCIHR, MRC, DFID, StopTB Partnership and HK RGC. He serves as board member and the Vice President for The International Union of Lung Disease. Before coming to Toronto, he has held faculty positions in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Leeds, UK.





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