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来源: 时间:2022-03-23 点击:[]





2019.01-至今:西安交通大学 公共政策与管理学院



2017.09-2018.09:联合培养博士研究生,Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine








 新冠肺炎疫情下在线诊疗服务机制优化策略研究(No. 2020R032),陕西省社会科学基金面上项目,主持;

 智慧医院视频诊疗服务体系优化路径研究(No. 2019M653684, 65批中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持;

 供需驱动下视频诊疗智慧服务长效机制研究(No. SK2020047),西安交通大学基本科研业务项目,主持;



 Fan X, Kumar MB, Zhou Z, et al. Influence of China’s 2009 healthcare reform on the utilisation of continuum of care for maternal health services: evidence from two cross-sectional household surveys in Shaanxi Province. Int J Equity Health, 2020, 19, 100.

 Fan X, Su M, Zhao Y, et al. Trends in equity of inpatient health service utilization for the middle-aged and elderly in China: based on longitudinal data from 2011 to 2018. BMC Public Health, 2021, 21, 1162.

 Fan X, Su M, Si Y, et al. The benefits of an integrated social medical insurance for health services utilization in rural China: evidence from the China health and retirement longitudinal study. Int J Equity Health, 2021, 20, 126.

 Fan X, Zheng S, Li M, Li E, Li YY. Level and determinants of willingness to donate organs among the general public: A cross-sectional survey in China. Developing World Bioethics. 2022 Jan 15.

 Fan X, Zhou Z, Stewart M, Wang D, Lan X, Dang S, Yan H. Comparing the pelvis of Tibetan and Chinese Han women in rural areas of China: two population-based studies using coarsened exact matching. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021 Jun 24:1-7.

 Fan X, Zhou Z, Dang S, et al. Exploring status and determinants of prenatal and postnatal visits in western China: in the background of the new health system reform[J]. BMC Public Health, 2017, 18(1):39.

 Fan X, Gao J, Kang Y, et al. Socioeconomic and Environmental Determinants to Preterm Birth in Tibetan Women: An Analysis Based on the Hierarchically Conceptual Frame[J]. Chinese Medical Journal, 2017, 130(19):2307.

 Yang J, Fan X*, Gao J, Li D, Xu Y, Chen G. Cost effectiveness analysis of total laparoscopic hysterectomy versus total abdominal hysterectomy for uterine fibroids in Western China: a societal perspective. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 Feb 24;22(1):252.

 Su M, Zhou Z, Si Y, Fan X. The Association Between Patient-Centered Communication and Primary Care Quality in Urban China: Evidence From a Standardized Patient Study. Front Public Health. 2022 Feb 4;9:779293.

 Liu H, Zhou Z, Fan X, et al. A mixed method study to examine the mental health problems of college students who had left-behind experiences [J]. Journal of Affective Disorders 292 (2021) 149–160.

 范小静,许永建,党少农,等. 中国西部农村妇女产后访视现状分析[J]. 中国妇幼保健, 2017, 32(19):4611-4615.

 范小静, 王维华, 刘如如,等. 藏族农村育龄妇女自然流产的流行病学特征及其影响因素分析[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2014, 35(4):401-405.





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