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英国拉夫堡大学地理学院Darren Smith教授讲座通知
来源: 时间:2018-03-19 点击:[]



讲座题目:Global Gentrification

讲座人:Darren Smith教授



Darren Smith院士(英国社会科学院院士,FAcSS)是拉夫堡大学地理学院教授,社会政治和地理科学学院副院长兼传播与文化研究中心、移民研究主管。是国际地理学会人口地理专业委员会主任、英国皇家地理学会人口地理专业委员主任等重要学术兼职,并同时担任顶级期刊PopulationSpace and Place共同主编和Journal of Rural Studies副主编,多家权威期刊编委。

作为一名社会和人口地理学家,Darren Smith主要研究城市、农村和沿海地区的社会和人口变化情况,并推动对社会排他、社会隔离、社会边缘化等现象的理论和实证研究。自20世纪90年代后期以来,Darren Smith的研究集中于高等教育,学生人口与城市变化之间的联系。他创造了术语STUDENTIFICATION来概念化大学城内的社会空间分异过程,与此同时,Darren Smith在农村研究中也创造了丰富的成果。迄今为止,他已经在英国、爱尔兰、北美、澳大利亚和中国等地开展多项合作研究项目。

Darren Smith is the professor of School of Geography, Loughborough University and Associate Dean Enterprise of School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences. He acquired his master and doctor degree in 1993 and 1998 in department of Human Geography, University of Leeds. Currently, he is the lead of Migration (Centre for Research on Communication and Culture). He also served as co-director of Human Geography Research Group from 2010 to 2016 and the founder/director of Migration, Identity and State (MIS) Research Group from 2012 to 2016 in Loughborough University. As a Social Population Geographer, his research is focussed on social and population change in a range of urban, rural, and coastal places to advance theoretical, conceptual and empirical understandings of the formation of more exclusive, segregated, marginalised, and transient societies. Since the late 1990s, his research has investigated the links between higher education, student populations, and urban change; and he coined the term studentification to conceptualise these processes of change within university towns and cities. To date, he has researched studentification in UK, Ireland, North America, Australia and China. In the rural context, his work has investigated processes of rural gentrification. He is currently part of an international research team (iRGENT), funded by ESRC, NSF and ANR, that is studying international rural gentrification in UK, USA and France.

上一条:英国伦敦国王学院Chris Hamnett教授讲座通知



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