讲座嘉宾:David Tyfield
David Tyfield is an Associate Professor of Lancaster University, he focuses on the complex systems of processes of knowledge production and their interaction with issues of global cultural political economy, especially regarding critical analysis of the emergence of a globalized "knowledge-based" economy, climate change and the rise of China. His recent work (2013-18) has been focused on three themes:1) Low-Carbon Socio-Technical Systems Transition in China, especially regarding automobility and agri-food;2)The Cultural Political Economy of Research & Innovation;3) "Liberalism 2.0 and the Rise of China",exploring the crisis of neoliberalism and the central role of innovation, particularly in China.
讲座题目:Low-Carbon Urban Mobility in China: 4 Future Scenarios
This talk presents a set of four scenarios regarding possible futures of urban e-mobility in China that have been developed on the basis of evidence collected in a collaborative UK-China ESRC project (2013-17). This project has examined contemporary low-carbon innovations, including in e-mobility, focusing on the specific issues of the parallel evolution of those innovations with a changing landscape of social relations and (possibly everyday) social practices. This approach builds on conceptions of low-carbon transition as a matter of the transformation of entire socio-technical systems. Specifically, it has compared the electric car (EVs) and electric two-wheelers (E2Ws), and in three significant, but different, locations in China: Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shandong province.
We present findings of this research and four plausible future scenarios, constructed through an iterative process of qualitative development of existing major trends, examining their ‘com-possibility’ and then testing the scenarios against responses from stakeholder groups. Together they also offer insights into how Chinese innovation may shape global responses to climate change, not least in shaping 21st century urbanization.